2008/5/14 Pat Nakajima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've started putting together a way to specify per-object before/after
> callbacks for any method. Probably not something to go in core, but
> maybe something that would be interesting to core contributors.
> There are some examples in a GitHub wiki (http://github.com/nakajima/
> nakatype/wikis/callbacks), but basically, you specify callbacks like
> so:
>  var someArray = [1,2,3];
>  Callbacks.add(someArray, {
>    before: {
>      push: function(entry) {
>        var msg = 'about to push ' + entry + ' on array: ' +
> this.join(', ');
>        console.info(msg);
>      }
>    },
>    after: {
>      push: function(entry) {
>        var msg = 'just pushed ' + entry + ' on array: ' +
> this.join(', ');
>        console.info(msg);
>      }
>    }
>  });
>  someArray.push(4);
> In addition to adding 4 to someArray, the above code snippet will log
> to the console before and after.
> If anybody has any suggestions/criticisms/threats, please do share!

A very useful idea.

How far is it from simple before/after callbacks to a full AOP implementation?

Where I can see this being of instant use is the ability to develop a
class with no logging/diagnostics from day 1 and have a drop-in
before/after logger which wouldn't upset the main class.

Rather than having to name the methods, it would be great to be able
to wildcard/regex them ( /[sg]et.+/ for example) as well as allowing
all with an exclude mechanism (allow the high use methods to NOT be

I used to do Delphi development for a Point of Sale system. One of the
issues that we had was the user would say the calculation was wrong.
By using a plugin we could effectively record all the values of all
the calculations and the source of the values and produce a report of
any calculation. Remove the plugin and the app did nothing. All the
hooking and recording was in the plugin. This was useful especially
when you are converting costs with markups for bulk quantities
converted between buying and selling units.

It is in keeping with the "unobtrusive" nature of much JS code.

I think the callback handler should be available as an extension (like
the deprecated.js one is). So, officially supported/recognised, but
not built-in as standard.

Maybe amend the rake dist process to allow those with the skills to
build their own prototype.js with the required extensions built in.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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