I am probably missing something, but...

Why not use mouseover / mouseout on all browser and then use
"event.stopPropagation()" method or "event.cancelBubble=true" for IE ?

Are there browsers where the bubbling phase of these events can't be
cancelled ?

Diego Perini

On 10 Giu, 21:58, Nick Stakenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew has a script that shows how to do it with custom 
> events:http://github.com/savetheclocktower/javascript-stuff/tree/master/cust...
> It's not as convenient as real mouseenter/mouseleave behaviour,
> because these event will bubble. Child elements will fire mouse:enter/
> mouse:leave events onto their parent. You'd have to filter out these
> unwanted event before this will work.
> I'd prefer something similar as the patch Ken posted implemented into
> core. It doesn't have the overhead and is much more convenient since
> it allows you to do this:
> $(element).observe('mouseleave', handler);
> jQuery and Mootools use a similar approach. It's much closer to the
> spec, since it doesn't involve event bubbling like the real mouseenter/
> mouseleave events.
> On 10 jun, 21:10, Alex K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Guys, I've suffered IE weird bug:
> >  this browser sends onmouseout events even if the mouse is actually
> > within the scope of the element, this happens when the mouse is over
> > the child element. There is a way to solve this, IE send the proper
> > event with name 'mouseleave', so my code looks like:
> > //one more weird IE bug
> > var mouse_out_event_name =
> > Prototype.Browser.IE?'mouseleave':'mouseout';
> > Event.observe(list_item,mouse_out_event_name,this.onmouseout.bindAsEventListener(this));
> > Just a thought that it can be handled by the lib to save time of other
> > folks,
> > Thanks,
> > Alex
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