Hi Karl,

These questions really belong in the end-users group.  This group is
for discussion of core development, not usage questions.  The end-
users group is here:

Totally up to you how you keep track, and whether you do (I'd probably
use an array rather than a variable for each one).  Most of the time I
find the page logic doesn't require that I track whether I'm observing
things because I know that I am (or am not).

Also, throwing it out there, issuing Event.stopObserving when you
haven't observed is fairly harmless.  I've never had to issue one
"blind" like that, but it just returns without doing anything if it
doesn't find an observer to drop.
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Oct 5, 1:00 am, kstubs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, just keep track of them with a typical variable?
> var myElementIsObserved = false;
> ...
> if(! myElementIsObserved)
> {
>   Event.observe('myelement','focus',dosomething);
>   myElementIsObserved == true;
> }
> On Oct 4, 3:33 pm, kangax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Oct 4, 5:20 pm, kstubs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So how do you tell if you've already registered an event to be
> > It's a good idea to keep track of them : )
> > If you are working in an unknown environment and absolutely need to
> > know if an element is "observed" by prototype:
> > Element.addMethods({
> >   isObserved: function(element){
> >     return ('_prototypeEventID' in $(element));
> >   }
> > });
> > > observed?  Also, what is the penalty for not issuing a stop observe?
> > Usually, increased memory usage (and probably some run time processing
> > overhead)
> > --
> > kangax
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