
Please allow me to clarify the issue here.

Event#element was deprecated because of it's inconsistency with the
rest of our API (which systematically uses verbs for method names).

There were two options for renaming this method: 1) add an
Event#getElement method or 2) reuse the existing Element#findElement

Given precedence in the framework for methods accepting a selector to
also work without arguments (As far as I known, that's the case for
all methods returning a single element) the latter was chosen.

In retrospect I think it was a good choice. It strengthened
consistency across the framework for using methods with and without a
selector argument. It also made event delegation one step closer by
introducing Event#findElement as one of the key methods of the event

I know that Event#findElement currently calls Event#element. This is
an implementation detail, it's obviously temporary, and shouldn't
distract us from the main issue at hand here which is our API.

Finally, Sam is working on a new API for event delegation in 1.7 /
2.0. If changes are to be made, they should be discussed once he's
posted his initial implementation.

Hope this helps.


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