I abandoned this project because I found out that IE8 does not support
getters/setters in object notational syntax, IE:

var x = {
  get y() { },
  set y(value) { }

On Feb 17, 6:25 pm, Andrew Dupont <goo...@andrewdupont.net> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 12:22 pm, Clint Priest <cpri...@warpmail.net> wrote:
> > I've been playing with getters and setters lately, namely the get
> > XXX() { } and set XXX(value) { } format and I've noticed that
> > prototype 1.6.1 doesn't play well with them.
> What doesn't work, specifically? I have a couple ideas, but haven't
> tried.

Specifically when prototype sub-classes and it copies a property it
such as dest[prop] = src[prop] its setting dest[prop] to the results
of src.get(prop) -- the results of the property getter.

> > I'd be happy to write a patch for it, don't want to duplicate effort.
> > Also based on the contribute page of prototypejs.org it mentions
> > git://github.com/sstephenson/prototype.git but that doesn't look like
> > its had any development there.
> How do you mean? It's an active repo.

I'm not super familiar with git or how you guys use branches but the
main branch hadn't (until feb 10th, seen a commit since December of
last year), that's all.  Which should I work with and submit patches
against, the last release?

> > What can I do to pitch in and help?  I have some other .wrap()
> > functionality I've written to add features to prototype that would be
> > useful to patch in possibly.
> Patches are always accepted. Submit enhancements to our Lighthouse
> tracker (https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886-prototype/
> overview).

Presently the modifications I've made make my copy of prototype
incompatible with IE8, it's fine for our companies uses (internal use
only) so I didn't figure you would be interested in those

> Cheers,
> Andrew

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