Yeah if they're inserted on completion of an xhr request
then you can just use the callback of this and run my code (without
the dom:loaded)....i don't think you need the inline event handlers

On Sep 5, 6:10 pm, Matt Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Problem with that idea Elduderino would be that if the list elements
> aren't loaded upon dom:loaded but inserted upon the completion of an
> XHR request, which I assume to be true based on the execution of
> Element.update.
> Two ways to roll with this, i prefer the latter...
> Inline click handlers as you had mentioned, inside the quotes of the
> event handler two variables are available that will assist in the
> reference of the list element, this and event.  Event will contain a
> reference to the object and this is a reference to the object so it
> would look something like this...
> <li onclick="someFunc(this, event);">Hooray</li>
> By using Element.update you must have a reference to the parent object
> in which these list items are getting inserted into.  After insertion,
> iterate over a collection derived from the object and attach the
> listeners through that.
> Element.update(ele, t.responseText);
> ele.getElementsBySelector("li").invoke("observe", "click", someFunc);
> On Sep 5, 10:12 am, elduderino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > why not just grab all the links as sson as the dom is loaded....then
> > observe all these links and when one is clicked you can access it
> > using like:
> > document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
> > var links = $$('.links');
> >        links.each(function(w) {
> >            w.observe('click', function(e) {
> >                var linkId =;
> > //etc
> > })
> > })
> > This grabs all the links with a class of links.....yes each link would
> > need it's own id...but if you're generating the html from a db anyways
> > then what's the problem?! You can do this in a seperate javascript doc
> > so theres no inline event handlers needed
> > On Sep 4, 10:42 pm, BrentNicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm building an application and am unsure of how to do this. What I
> > > came up with is too complex to be correct/best practice.
> > > Overview:
> > > I have a list (HTML fragment) that is dropped into a DIV via
> > > Element.update
> > > This list changes each time you click a link in the application.
> > > I need to be able to click on an item in the list and know what item
> > > was clicked. I can create this list (HTML fragment) however I need, so
> > > placing the record ID in each list item isn't a problem.
> > > What is the problem is: How do I know what list item was clicked?
> > > I thought about making each list item:
> > >    ** an anchor tag with an onclick function call, passing the param.
> > > (Con: has js inline in the page)
> > >    ** an 'id' of the db record ID, but then what do you link the
> > > Event.observe('listElementID','click',functionName) to?
> > > Does this make sense? I know people have had to do this before.
> > > In short: have an HTML list of items, that is injected into the page
> > > based on some selection, then have all list items fire a common
> > > function on click, but know what one was clicked.
> > > Thanks for your time on this,
> > > Brent Nicholas
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