I haven't come across this before, but as a guess somehow TinyMCE's
event listeners are being detached from the textarea. Try re-invoking
TinyMCE's event listening function whenever that LI is dropped maybe?

On Sep 17, 8:27 pm, dante2010 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using TinyMCE as my editor and I have it attached to a textarea
> within a <LI> element that has been set as sortable using
> scriptaculous.
> My problem is that when this <LI> containing TinyMCE is dragged and
> dropped it seemingly disables TinyMCE totally.  I can still see the
> editor, but I can't click any buttons or type any text within the
> editor window.
> This only happens in Firefox.  Everything works nicely in IE6+.
> Anyone else come across this issue before?
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