Hopefully this is an easy one...

I'm building a multi-level navigation system. You click on one box and
a set of sub-boxes displays underneath. Since there are multiple
possible sets of sub-boxes, I've tried to write a function to hide
them and only display the relevant one. Here's some code:

        // hide all childLevel box sets in case of previous clicks
        myNodes = $(childLevel).select('div'); // grab all box sets inside
        for(x=0;x<myNodes.length;x++) { // loop through each div
                if(!$(myNodes[x]).hasClassName(newBox)) {
                        // hides everything except newBox

        // show the relevant box
        new Effect.toggle(newBox, 'appear');
        new Effect.Grow(newBox, 120);

In my page, I call the above code in order to show a div with the
newBox class and hide all the others, in case the user has already
selected one box (and thus displayed its children). When I click a box
for the first time, its children are displayed, but when I click a
different box, the first box's children disappear but nothing else
shows up. All the possible children are set to display:none and I know
Prototype has issues with this - can anyone advise me on how to get
this to work?

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