> I was just curious if there were any tips or short cuts anyone had. In
> particular, I was trying to condense some of the code down...

Why?  It's already pretty dense, and as Justin pointed out earlier you
may already be setting yourself up for maintenance hassles down the

> ...This part:
>         divs.invoke("hide");
>         $(section_id).show();

My issue with that code wouldn't be size, it'd be flicker if we're
showing the div that's already showing (as it gets hidden and
reshown).  This avoids invoke and flicker:

    divs.each(function(div) {
        if (div.id == section_id) {
        } else {

or if you want to get *really* obscure:

    divs.each(function(div) {
        div[div.id == section_id ? 'show' : 'hide']();

FWIW, though, I'd be looking at splitting that code up into several
named functions, adding comments and whitespace, moving all the var
declarations to the beginnings of functions (as that's where they take
effect anyway), and then if you're worried about download size use a
minifier and gzip.
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Sep 25, 1:16 am, solidhex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes the code does work :)
> I was just curious if there were any tips or short cuts anyone had. In
> particular, I was trying to condense some of the code down, but I
> can't seem to figure out a way to chain hiding all the divs, and only
> showing the current one, instead of splitting it into two lines. This
> part:
>         divs.invoke("hide");
>         $(section_id).show();
> I know there is a way to filter in jQuery and was wondering if there
> was something similar in Prototype.
> On Sep 24, 9:18 am, "Justin Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I prefer not to nest my code like that, I feel like it is difficult to
> > read and hard to extend/modify (read: fragile), but if that's how you
> > like to read your code and you find it easier to read/write, then
> > that's all that matters.
> > I think if that code works for you now, then you should just be happy
> > with it. Keep writing JavaScript and then revisit this code in a few
> > months and you'll probably have an idea or two for improving it.
> > -justin
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