>el.fire.delay(.1, 'event1:fired', data);

Thank a lot - it helps me !

On 12 окт, 14:28, "T.J. Crowder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > but an error is generated
> **WHAT** error?!!  "An error" is almost never useful information.
> > I have tryed on
> > el.fire.delay(.1, 'event1:fired', data);
> Is .1 a valid JavaScript number?  I'd be surprised.  Try 0.1.  Mind
> you, a 10th of a second is a long time, so perhaps 0.01, which is what
> defer() uses.  Or just use defer.
> > el.fire.delay(.1, 'event1:fired', data);
> How is the fire function going to know what element to work with?
> Remember that functions are functions, not methods.[1][2]  Perhaps:
> > el.fire.bind(el).defer('event1:fired', data);
> [1]http://blog.niftysnippets.org/2008/04/you-must-remember-this.html
> [2]http://www.alistapart.com/articles/getoutbindingsituations
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> tj / crowder software / com
> On Oct 12, 12:02 pm, buda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I need to call
> > var data = {.....};
> > el.fire('event1:fired', data);
> > with delay
> > I have tryed on
> > el.fire.delay(.1, 'event1:fired', data);
> > but an error is generated- Скрыть цитируемый текст -
> - Показать цитируемый текст -
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