On Oct 27, 1:20 pm, Walter Lee Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a more "Prototype" way to construct a variable key within  
> JavaScript, similar to what you can do in PHP? For example, in PHP, if  
> I had the string 'title' assigned to the variable $class, and I wanted  
> the current value of the variable $titles, I could construct a  
> 'variable variable', which would point back to $titles:
> $titles = Array('Gone with the Wind','The Wind in the Willows','Break  
> like the Wind');
> $class = 'title'; //plain string
> $key = $class + 's'; //concatenate for poor man's pluralize
> echo ($$key == $titles) ? true: false; // => true
> In JavaScript, Google tells me that eval() will do the same thing, but  
> I've heard over and over on this list that eval() is evil and to be  
> avoided. Any suggestions?


var titles = [ 'Gone with the Wind', 'The Wind in the Willows', 'Break
like the Wind' ];
var klass = 'title'; //plain string
var key = klass + 's'; //concatenate for poor man's pluralize
window[key] === titles; // true

> Thanks in advance,
> Walter

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