I'm stumped again :( I have the following HTML which is displayed
whenever a ticket is loaded:

<div id='respanel'></div>
<li title='Changes made here will automatically start or stop the
clock as appropriate'>Service is <span id='istate'>Blocked</span></li>

After that is loaded, the function loadIncidentAjax is called (via

function loadIncidentAjax() {
        //Elements within the incident
        new Ajax.Updater('respanel','data/fetchrespanel.php',{method:'get'});
        new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor('istate','data/updateticket.php',{

which updates the 'respanel' div and sets up the InPlaceCollectionEditor
for the user to choose an option. 'respanel' is a script which allows
the user to start/stop the clock running on the ticket (and initially
displays the appropriate button depending on the ticket's current state)

The function updateAfterServiceChange is called after any change to

function updateAfterServiceChange(val) {
    var v = val;
    new Ajax.Updater('respanel','data/fetchrespanel.php', {

For testing purposes, fetchrespanel is setup to just print the post
value if the 'f' parameter is sent:

if (isset($_POST['f'])) {
        print "FOO = ".$_POST['f']; exit();

What is stumping me is that this just produces "FOO = undefined" which
I just don't quite get. I tried altering the onComplete to
updateAfterServiceChange.defer() but that didn't seem to make any
difference. I'm figuring my problem lies within the
updateAfterServiceChange function?

James Hoddinott

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