Hello. I have a page where co-exists an Updater and a
PeriodicalUpdater. The problem is that once I execute the updater
(with a form submit) the periodical updater stops working until the
form finishes processing. And this is bad because my periodical
updater was created just for showing the form progress (because the
form sends emails and may take a while to finish). Is there any way to
force the periodical to work while the form is still processing?
Here's a bit of the js code:

        EmailsSpy = function(){
                new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('emails_being_sent','<?php echo
WEB_PATH; ?>/newsletters/get_emails_sent/',
                        method: 'get',
                        frequency: 2,
                        decay: 1

        Event.observe(window, 'load', EmailsSpy, false);

        Start = function(){ //called by the form

                var mySubmit = document.getElementById('submit_button');
                var myTargetDiv = document.getElementById('emails_sent');
                new Ajax.Updater('emails_sent','<?php echo WEB_PATH; 
                        asynchronous: true,
                        parameters: Form.serialize('sendForm'),
                        evalScripts: true,
                        onCreate: function()
                                mySubmit.disabled = true;
                                myTargetDiv.innerHTML = "Procesando... por 
favor aguarde ....";
                        onComplete: function(r)
                                mySubmit.disabled = false;


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