I have a text element for entering a date and I want to observe the
contents and fire off an ajax request when they change.
This works quite nicely when I type in some text manually.
However, I have a Javascript calendar (jscalendar) that can paste a
date into the text element.  When this happens, the ajax request does
not happen.  I suspect I need to process the
'DOMCharacterDataModified' event rather than the 'change' event (as
implemented in the Prototype library).  The library appears to be set
up for only 'HTMLEvents', the event I need is specified as a mutation
Any ideas how I can achieve this?

Here's the code for observing the element (generated by cake for the
element TreatmentTrDate)...

<script type="text/javascript">
new Form.Element.EventObserver('TreatmentTrDate', function(element,
value) {new Ajax.Updater('UpdateProduct','/nsppu-dev/treat_comp/
updateProduct', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
parameters:Form.Element.serialize('TreatmentTrDate'), requestHeaders:
['X-Update', 'UpdateProduct']})})


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