
Are those calls to doUpdate really inline?  If so, they're probably
happening before the DOM is ready.  I'd suggest wrapping them in a
dom:loaded event handler[1] or one of the other mechanisms for making
sure the DOM is ready before trying to do things with it.

[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/document/observe

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jan 21, 11:42 pm, theG <gurpal2...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> When I hardcode a form into a div and try to get a handle on it via $
> ('') it works. When I include the txt dynamically via an AJAX update()
> it doesnt:
> ----------JS--------------------
> function doUpdate(id, url) {
>   new Ajax.Updater(id, url);
> }
> doUpdate('search', 'search');
> doUpdate('menu', 'menu');
> function doSearch(event) {
>   new Ajax.Updater('menu', 'menu', {
>   parameters: {
>     txt: $('txt').value
>   }
>   });
>   event.preventDefault();
> }
> function addObservers() {
>   $('searchForm').observe('submit', doSearch);
> }
> Event.observe(window, 'load', addObservers);
> -----form HTML--------
> Search
> <form method="post" id="searchForm" style="display: inline">
>         <input type="text" name="txt" id="txt" size="20"/>
>         <input type="submit" name="btnSubmitSearch" id="btnSubmitSearch"
> value="Go!"/>
> </form>
> -----------HTML----------
> <body>
>   <div id="search">      <!-- stuff here either inserted via ruby ajax
> post OR hardcoded -->
>   </div>
>   <div id="menu">
>   </div>
> </body>
> ------------------
> Now I get $('searchForm') is null when i use doUpdate('search',
> 'search'); - gets it via ruby http post
> If however i comment out "doUpdate('search', 'search');" and instead
> actually hardcode into the div
> I looked into defer() but it didn't help.
> Thanks
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