Have fixed this now by changing the event observer from the element to
the update element line 90 controls.js

Event.observe(this.update, 'blur', this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener

On 17 Feb, 13:08, Craig <cr...@europe.com> wrote:
> Firefox probabaly ignores clicks on the scroll bar and thus does not
> lose focus. Here is the main part of the code
> var auto_cust;
> var auto_bran;
> var auto_call;
> new Event.observe(window, 'load', pageload);
> function pageload() {
>     auto_cust = new Ajax.Autocompleter('customer', 'customer_auto',
> 'logform_customer.asp', {minChars:-1,frequency:0.5,afterUpdateElement:
> getCustomerId});
>     auto_bran = new Ajax.Autocompleter('branch', 'branch_auto',
> 'logform_branch.asp', {minChars:-1,frequency:0.5,callback:
> customerCallback,afterUpdateElement: getBranchId});
>     auto_call = new Ajax.Autocompleter('caller', 'caller_auto',
> 'logform_caller.asp', {minChars:-1,frequency:0.5,callback:
> customerCallback});
>     new Event.observe('customer', 'focus', acust);
>     new Event.observe('branch', 'focus', abran);
>     new Event.observe('caller', 'focus', acall);
>     $('customer').focus();
> }
> function acust()
> {
>     auto_cust.activate(); //twice because IE is clever
>     auto_cust.activate();
> }
> function abran()
> {
>     auto_bran.activate(); //twice because IE is clever
>     auto_bran.activate();
> }
> function acall()
> {
>     auto_call.activate(); //twice because IE is clever
>     auto_call.activate();
> }
> function getBranchId(text, li) {
>     $('branch_id').value = li.id;
>     $('caller').focus();
> }
> function getCustomerId(text, li) {
>     $('customer_id').value = li.id;
>     $('branch').value='';
>     $('branch_id').value='';
>     $('branch').focus();
> }
> function customerCallback(element, entry) {
>     return entry + "&customer=" + $('customer_id').value;
> }
> On 17 Feb, 12:01, david <david.brill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi craig,
> > perhaps stupid remarks, but in FF the scrollbar is contained inb the
> > element, not in IE.
> > Couldn't it be something like that ??
> > Can you send the code for the autocompleter ?? (just it, with
> > callbacks definition ??
> > --
> > david
> > On 17 fév, 12:48, Craig <cr...@europe.com> wrote:
> > > Sorry cant get an example online im afraid, should behave this way for
> > > anyone who sets a height for the auto_complete div like so:
> > > div.auto_complete
> > > {
> > >     position:absolute;
> > >     width: 350px;
> > >     max-height:200px;
> > >     overflow: auto;
> > >     overflow-x: hidden;
> > >     background: #fff;
> > >     z-index:101;
> > >     border:1px solid #888;
> > > }
> > > When clicking on the scroll bar it loses focus and closes the div. I
> > > am currently trying to edit the onBlur function to check if focus is
> > > still on this.update (the div) so i can set it to remain open.
> > > On 17 Feb, 11:00, david <david.brill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi craig,
> > > > not seems trivial, could we have an example?
> > > > --
> > > > david
> > > > On 17 fév, 11:03, Craig <cr...@europe.com> wrote:
> > > > > Am having one problem i cannot seem to solve. The autocompleter box
> > > > > displays the results which has a set height so a scroll bar displays.
> > > > > In FF but not other browsers when you scroll through the results it
> > > > > works fine but in any other browser it will just lose focus and
> > > > > disappear.
> > > > > Anyone come accross the same problem have a fix? Am using the latest
> > > > > versions.
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