In the following function, I am experiencing weird behavior when
trying to resize a popup window based on the size of the inserted JSP
page within this popup window page.  In JSP 1 I have a list of records
which is preceded by an icon on each record.  I click on the icon
image and it should open JSP 2 within JSP 1 via the DIV tags in JSP
1.   When I click on the icon the function below should execute and it
does but the functionality is not consistent depending on the size of
the window.  The problem seems to exist in the ELSE section within the
IF statement.  If the inserted JSP page via DIV tags, called
'vendorInfoResults', extends in size below the outline of the popup
window and I click on the next icon of the rows displayed in the
'vendorInfoResults' section then the window does not expand and I may
do it again a second time and then it does work.

Are there any issues or bugs within the onComplete function that I am
using in prototype- which is the version that I'm using?  Is
there a better way to handle the window.resizeBy method?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've been trying to resolve
this issue since last Friday and it's driving me nuts.

function getVendorInfo(vNum) {
                var url = '/common/Lookup.action';
                new Ajax.Updater('vendorInfoResults', url,
                        {method: 'get',
                                parameters: {vendorInfo: '', vendorNum: vNum},
                                        onComplete: function() {
                                        var vendorWinH = 
                                        var vendorInfoH = 

                                        if (vendorWinH == winH)
                                                window.resizeBy(0, vendorInfoH);
                                        else {
                                                var newVendorWinH = winH + 
                                                alert("newVendorWinH = " + 
                                                alert("vendorWinH = " + 
                                                alert("winH = " + winH);
                                                if (newVendorWinH > vendorWinH)
newVendorWinH - vendorWinH);
                                                else if (newVendorWinH < 
vendorWinH - newVendorWinH);
                                                        window.resizeBy(0, winH 
- (vendorWinH + 5));


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