
I can post it shortly, will follow up.


On Apr 29, 1:35 pm, Matt Foster <> wrote:
> Hey Brent,
>       Do you have a demo page that displays this issue?  My only
> thoughts are that the elements are getting reloaded in the DOM yet not
> getting the events attached.
> --
> On Apr 29, 2:59 pm, BrentNicholas <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > So I posted about this before but am still having troubles with
> > Event.observe flaking out on me after a period of time.
> > Here's the situation:
> > The page runs and init's the app with:
> >          document.observe("dom:loaded", init);
> > init() fires off: getSelectsForm()
> > As you can see (below) it loads a page and attaches some observers,
> > the page loaded only has three buttons on it (as seen in the
> > Event.observe code). They are not of the same names or id's, but do
> > share the same css class names. Nothing else is loaded.
> > Now if I click any button right away things work just fine (List Page,
> > Add Page). If I wait about 5 minutes (not pressing any buttons first
> > after load) the 'buttonGetProjectsList' will not seem to fire the
> > 'getProjectsList' function as registered through the observer. However
> > the button 'buttonAddProjectForm' will fire off the 'addProject'
> > function. Even if you start using the page right away (everything
> > works), then wait 5 minutes, the list button will not work but the
> > others will.
> > The pages loaded by these button do not have any elements of the same
> > name or id on them that the ''dsp_ProjSelects.cfm' file had. So there
> > should not be any naming conflicts.
> > Any thoughts on this? I've taken the application and stripped in down
> > to just what's needed in a test area and I'm still getting the
> > trouble.
> > function getSelectsForm()
> > {
> >         new Ajax.Request('dsp_ProjSelects.cfm?'+cfSession,
> >       {
> >         method: 'get',
> >         onSuccess: loadSelectsForm,
> >                 onComplete: attachSelectsFormObservers,
> >         onFailure: function(r) {
> >           throw new Error( r.statusText );
> >         }
> >       }
> >          );
> > }
> > function loadSelectsForm(transport)
> > {
> >         var htmlBlock = transport.responseText;
> >         Element.update(idSelectsDIV,htmlBlock);
> >         Form.focusFirstElement('SELECT_FORM');
> > }
> > function attachSelectsFormObservers()
> > {
> >         Event.observe('buttonGetProjectsList','click', getProjectsList,
> > false);
> >         Event.observe('buttonAddProjectForm','click', addProject, false);
> >         Event.observe('buttonClearForm','click', clearSelectsForm, false);
> > }
> > Also, environment:
> > Win XP (all patches)
> > IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.080413-2111
> > Thanks for your time and effort.
> > Brent- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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