Ah, bad paste with the form html.  There is in fact a <div id="quick-
" style="display: none;" /> immediately wrapping it.

On May 4, 9:52 am, "phil.h.smith" <phil.h.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is my code, with a few alerts dropped in:
> on('#quick-sign-in form', 'submit', function(event) {
>   var form = event.element();
>   event.stop();
>   form.request({
>     on302: function(response) {
>       alert('Got 302.  headers: ' + response.getAllHeaders());
>       var redirect = response.getHeader('Location');
>       if (redirect != null) {
>         window.location = redirect;
>       } else {
>         alert("There is no Location header.");
>       }
>     },
>     onFailure: function(response) {
>       $('quick-sign-in').shake();
>     }
>   });
> });
> The form:
> <form action="/session" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0">
>   <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden"
> value="pzDitlV1b6zdnIzbcgvZkOdokxOFKwaSNafKT8NuPow=" /></div>
>   <fieldset>
>   <label for="openid_url">OpenID</label>
>   <input id="quick-sign-in-textbox" name="openid_url" type="text"
> value="" />
>   </fieldset>
> </form>
> On submission, I see the two alerts ('Got 302' and 'There is no
> Location header'.)  Additionally, the response.getAllHeaders() outputs
> as an empty string.  This is in prototype, which comes canned
> inside rails 2.3.2.
> On May 4, 1:50 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > XHR follows redirects automatically, are you _sure_ the response
> > object you're getting back in your handler has a 302 status?  Or is
> > that just what you're seeing in your sniff?  This code:
> > * * * *
> > new Ajax.Request("redirect.jsp", {
> >     on302:  function(response) {
> >         log("Got 302 response.");
> >     },
> >     onSuccess: function(response) {
> >         log("Got success, code = " + response.status);
> >         $('target').update(response.responseText);
> >     },
> >     onFailure: function(response) {
> >         log("Got failure, code = " + response.status);
> >     },
> >     onComplete: function(response) {
> >         log("Got completion, code = " + response.status);
> >     }});
> > * * * *
> > (Also on Pastie:http://pastie.org/467401)
> > ...works as expected:  The on302 never gets called, the onSuccess gets
> > called with status 200 (and with correct content in
> > response.responseText), as does the onComplete.  My redirect.jsp is
> > issuing a redirect to a static HTML file, which is the content I see.
> > In Firebug's Net tab, I see the 302 response followed by the GET of
> > the static HTML file; it's the result of that second GET that I see at
> > the XHR layer.
> > If that doesn't explain what you're seeing, can you put together a
> > minimalist, complete example of what you're doing and post it (perhaps
> > to Pastie[1])?
> > [1]http://pastie.org
> > HTH,
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / com
> > Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> > On May 3, 9:18 pm, "phil.h.smith" <phil.h.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hellos!
> > > Does anyone know about any outstanding issues with retrieving response
> > > headers from ajax requests?  I'm submitting a form by ajax & expect to
> > > get a redirect on success.  I see the 302 status code indicating the
> > > redirect, but in both camino (1.6.7) & firefox (3.0.10) prototype
> > > can't access the Location header in the response.  In fact, it can't
> > > access any headers.  And getAllHeaders() returns nothing.
> > > I know it's not an issue with my server (http sniffing proved that
> > > many headers, including Location, are in fact sent.)  Does anyone have
> > > an idea why prototype wouldn't able to access these ajax response
> > > headers?
> > > Thanks!
> > >   --phil--
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