I need several inplaceeditors on the screen, therefore I've included
the inplaceeditor code into a function so that each instance is only
generated when the user actually clicks the button to edit..

However if I click cancel on that instance and then click to edit
again, the previous instance still shows so I end up with a doubled up
inplace text box/select box.

I know I simply need to destroy the previous version on either sucess
or cancellation.

Here's my current function.. how do I amend this to destory it??

thanks loads for any replies...


function addnewselect(CategoryID) {
new Ajax.InPlaceSelect('details_defaultnominal_' + CategoryID,
'includes/inc_editinplace_process.asp', [<%=NominalArray_Values%>], [<
%=NominalArray_Names%>], {callback: function(value,text) { return
+CategoryID +'&UpdateValue='+escape(value)}, cancelControl:'button',
highlightcolor: 'transparent'});

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