Hi all,

So I'm wondering what is best practice.

I've got a table that users can click a row and get sent to an edit

I'm also sending the users to the same edit screen after data inserts.

I'd like to use the same function to handle this. However, when you
click the row it returns an event (from being observed). When you
insert the data, the function that does this calls ajax.request and
returns 'transport'. They both contain a number, though in different

So, what is best practice to handle this? The code below works fine if
broken into two unique functions, one that handles transport and
another that handles event. Seems really redundant to have two so

The following is a non-functional 'ideal':

function editProfessionalOutreach(event,transport) {

        var key_ts_prof_outreach_seq;

        // from row click

        try {
                var key_ts_prof_outreach_seq = this.id;
        } catch (err) {
                // none

        // from insert function

        try {
                var key_ts_prof_outreach_seq = transport.responseText;
        } catch (err) {
                // none


         new Ajax.Request('dsp_editProfessionalOutreach.cfm?
                method: 'get',
                onSuccess: outputProfessionalOutreach,
        onComplete: attachProfessionalOutreachEditListeners,
                onFailure: function(r) {
             throw new Error( r.statusText );

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