Hello shiny people!! :)

can somebody understand as to why this code doesn't work on IE and
Opera, while working fine in other browsers?

function commentUpdate(){
// finally prepare data and make a new AJAX call...
     var updatedata = document.getElementById('updatedata').value;
     var appendarray = document.getElementById('appendarray').value;
     var pageopened = document.getElementById('pageopened').value;
//     document.getElementById('tempholder').value = "Updating...";
     var url = '/components/com_cbactivity/add-on1/helpers/
     var pars = 'updatedata='+updatedata+'&appendarray='+appendarray
     var target = 'hidden-div';
     var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'post',
parameters: pars});

I don't see any syntax error, I tried both methods (get&post),
everything gets executed, until Ajax.Updater!
Then, it simply doesn't "enter" the  file!

All this, ONLY on IE and Opera! Other browsers working fine! And this
is what's surprising! Because the target file (commentupdate.php) is a
pure PHP file, which means everything is server-processed!

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