But here's what I get in error:
array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array

On this line:

> Yes. Like any example that you will ever find on the Web, this one  
> needs to be adjusted to match your environment. Some basic fluency in  
> PHP is a requirement to use the MAR system, it can't divine everything  
> for you.
> Walter
> On Jul 1, 2009, at 5:57 AM, WLQ wrote:
> > Right, shouldn't then that be 'widgets'? Because the table of our
> > original sortable list were controlled by the widgets table. So like:
> > if($master = MyActiveRecord::FindById('widgets',$original)){
> >> Originals is a table in the database, it contains one of each type of
> >> thing you wish to be able to clone into the clones table.
> >> MyActiveRecord creates a PHP class for each table you "wrap" it
> >> around, and each row of the table becomes an object of that class  
> >> when
> >> you request it through MAR.
> >> In short, this line:
> >> if($master = MyActiveRecord::FindById('originals',$original)){
> >> ...if it finds a table called 'originals' in your database, will
> >> return the row with the ID matching $original (or false).
> >> Walter
> >> On Jun 29, 2009, at 12:25 PM, WLQ wrote:
> >>> It says - Class originals does not exist
> >>> Where does the originals class comes from? What is the originals  
> >>> from
> >>> the code above?
> >>>> If this is the code you are using (and I've added the missing close
> >>>> parenthesis), then the fact that you are getting a 200 back (and a
> >>>> new
> >>>> ID) means that you have successfully created a new clone.  
> >>>> Otherwise,
> >>>> you should be getting a 500 or 404 back.
> >>>> //create_clone.php
> >>>> $original = $_POST['original'];
> >>>> if($master = MyActiveRecord::FindById('originals',$original)){
> >>>>         $data = get_object_vars($original);
> >>>>         array_shift($data); //get rid of the ID
> >>>>         $new = MyActiveRecord::Create('clones',$data);
> >>>>         $new->save();
> >>>>         if(false === $new->get_errors()){
> >>>>                 header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
> >>>>                 //this is the part you need:
> >>>>                 print 'item_' .  $new->id;
> >>>>         }else{
> >>>>                 header('HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error',true,500);
> >>>>                 exit;
> >>>>         }}else{
> >>>>         header('HTTP/1.0 404 Missing',true,404);
> >>>> }
> >>>> Visit your test page with Firefox and with the Console tab of  
> >>>> Firebug
> >>>> open. Make sure Firebug is set to show XHR transactions. You should
> >>>> be
> >>>> able to observe the request to create_clone, and see the reply from
> >>>> the server. The reply should be the new ID of your clone. If it
> >>>> isn't,
> >>>> then you have more debugging to do.
> >>>> Things to check here:
> >>>> * Have you included/required the library (MyActiveRecord) in this
> >>>> script, and have you defined the constants it needs (MySQL address
> >>>> and
> >>>> credentials, also known as a DSN).
> >>>> * Have you got a MySQL table called clones?
> >>>> * Have you enabled error reporting on your server for your test
> >>>> pages,
> >>>> so you can see the PHP errors as they whiz by?
> >>>> * Have you ordered that fat book I recommended?
> >>>> Debugging PHP is like playing Whack-a-Mole. You fix one thing, and
> >>>> another pops up. You iterate, in other, more dainty words.
> >>>> Walter
> >>>> On Jun 28, 2009, at 12:04 PM, WLQ wrote:
> >>>>> Also I've used that clone.php you gave, the only thing it  
> >>>>> doesn't do
> >>>>> is change the MySQL table itself.
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