Excelent, this is what I was looking for.

onSuccess in Ajax.request will have something like this:

tipodoc.innerHTML =
          tdocuselect.childElements()[tdocuselect.selectedIndex].innerHTML +

where addHidden is this:

function addHidden(variable,valor){
   var salida = '<INPUT type="hidden" name="' + variable + '" value="' +
      valor + '"';
   return salida;


2009/7/6 Alexander Wallace <alexmlwall...@gmail.com>:
> You should be able to do something along the lines of:
> var select_menu = $("tdocu");
> var description =
> select_menu.childElements()[select_menu.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
> - Alex
> 2009/7/6 Martín Marqués <martin.marq...@gmail.com>
>> I have a select pull down within a form that at submition executes
>> some ajax stuff and updates the div where the <SELECT> tag lives. HTML
>> code is like this (I'm using HTML_Template_IT from PHP, so the
>> BEGIN-END define a block, and {} define replacable text):
>>      <td class="titulo">Tipo de documento:</td>
>>      <td>
>>        <div id="tipodoc">
>>          <SELECT id="tdocu" name="tdocu">
>>            <!-- BEGIN option -->
>>            <OPTION value="{VALOR}">{DESC}</option>
>>            <!-- END option -->
>>          </SELECT>
>>        </div>
>>      </td>
>> What I want is, on submit to take the description that is shown in the
>> HTML page, not the value. How do I do that?
>> --
>> Martín Marqués
>> select 'martin.marques' || '@' || 'gmail.com'
>> DBA, Programador, Administrador
> >

Martín Marqués
select 'martin.marques' || '@' || 'gmail.com'
DBA, Programador, Administrador

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