
> In this case var element = Event.findElement(ev); seems to return the
> image and not the link. Any other way to fix this?

Event#findElement has exactly the functionality you need, I'd give the
docs[1] a good read.

[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/event/findelement

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jul 7, 1:36 pm, David Behler <d.beh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some time ago I came across the blog of David Walsh and his article on
> "Animated Ajax Record Deletion Using MooTools" (http://davidwalsh.name/
> animated-ajax-record-deletion-mootools). Sadly he uses MooTools and
> not Prototype. But as I'm more and more trying to create my own
> classes based on Prototype I wanted to create this functionality
> myself!
> And now it's done: Deletr is born!
> A demo can be viewed here:http://www.davidbehler.de/projects/deletr
> You can download it from here:http://www.davidbehler.de/index.php/file/view/8
> I would really like to know what you guys think of this!
> You might notice this:
>    if(!element.match('a')) {
>       element = element.ancestors()[0];
>    }
> I did this in case it's not a link you click on but an image that's
> wrapped in a link, e.g. <a href="test.php"><img src="test.png" /></a>
> In this case var element = Event.findElement(ev); seems to return the
> image and not the link. Any other way to fix this?
> Greetz
> Davd
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