zion wrote:
> Hi,
> I just found this amazing looking technique that utilizes jquery
> library to produce this kind of effect:
> http://cliframework.com/
> Is there a nice way to produce this particle effect with prototype &
> scriptaculous?
Just a direct (not refactored) translation:

var Spark = Class.create({
  initialize: function() {
    var self = this;
    this.b = './';
    this.s = ['spark.png', 'spark2.png', 'spark3.png', 'spark4.png'];
    this.i = this.s[this.random(this.s.length)];
    this.f = this.b + this.i;
    this.n = document.createElement('img');


  display: function() {
    this.n.src = this.f;
      'position': 'absolute',
      'z-index': this.random(20),
      'top': this.pointY + 'px',
      'left': this.pointX + 'px'


    return this;

  fly: function() {
    var self = this;
      top: this.pointY + "px",
      left: this.pointX + "px"
    }, {
      duration: this.speed / 1000.0,
      transition: Effect.Transitions.linear,
      afterFinish: function () {

  newSpeed: function() {
    this.speed = (this.random(10) + 5) * 1100;
    return this;

  newPoint: function() {
    this.pointX = this.random(window.innerWidth - 100);
    this.pointY = this.random(350);
    return this;

  'random': function(max) {
    return Math.ceil(Math.random() * max) - 1;

document.observe("dom:loaded", function () {
  var totalSparks = 40;
  var sparks = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < totalSparks; i++) {
    sparks[i] = new Spark();

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