Hey guys,

So I want to defer a function of an object, called from within another
function of that object - take a look at my code:

The6YardBox.Dropdown = Class.create({
  initialize: function(li)
    this.li = li;
    this.dropdown = this.li.down('div.dropdown-holder');
    li.observe('mouseover', this.mover.bind(this));
    li.observe('mouseout', this.mout.bind(this));
    this.out = true;
  mover: function()
    this.out = false;
  mout: function()
    this.out = true;
    /* HERE IS THE LINE THAT DOESN'T WORK!!! */ this.actionout.delay
  actionout: function(out, dropdown)

the actionout function does run after .1 second, but it is not bound
to the object so if(this.out) fails. I've tried all kinds of things

but just nothing works and I don't really see a way around this as as
soon as the brackets get involved thats a function call and I don't
want the function to be run until both the bind and the delay have
been added.

Any ideas? Surely this must be a problem that comes up a fair bit...?

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