Didn't seem to work for me.  I might have it wrong.

Code ...............

            function ajaxRequest2(){
                var url = "/cgidev2p/r_chgpwd.pgm";
                var pars = 'v_current=' + escape($F('v_current')) +
'&v_new=' + escape($F('v_new')) + '&v_confirm=' + escape($F('v_confirm')) +
'&sessionid=' + escape($F('sessionid'));
                var submitObj = document.getElementById('goButton');
                new Ajax.Request(url, {
                    method: 'get',
                    parameters: pars,
                    onComplete: function(transport){
                        // obtain the json you sent
                        var jsonObj = transport.responseJSON;
                        // use it
                        alert('feelingOk:' + jsonObj['feelingOk']);
                        alert('value:' + jsonObj['value']);

JSON ................

{success : true, message : "good"}

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