If I do something like this:

var GymnastFind = Class.create(GridBuild,
Ajax.Application.Base.Prototype, UserState, {
    HEAD: ['MSOID', 'USAG', 'Description', 'DOB'],
    initialize: function(container, url) {
        this.url = url;
        this.container = $(container).select('div.grid_container')[0];
        this.Form = $(container).select('form')[0]
        this.Form.observe('keyup', this.form_keyup.bind(this));

... code cut here ...

I get an error in prototypejs, "parent.subclasses is undefied" (occurs
at line 99) the code is:


Any ideas?  Maybe I can't mix in Ajax.Application.Base, maybe I must
inherit it?  So am I correct in assuming that the Javascript allows
you to inherit from more than one class, an in my previous
"Object.extend(Object.extend ..." syntax I am doing just this?

Thanks for the help.

On Nov 8, 2:45 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> Class.create accepts a base class and multiple mix-ins[1]. The way
> JavaScript's instanceof operator works, you can't create a new class
> from two disparate base classes and have the new class be an
> "instanceof" both of the base classes, you have to choose one as a
> base and mix-in the other, but that's fine if the code you quoted is
> working for you, nothing is relying on instances of GymnastFind being
> "instanceof" Ajax.Application.Base.
> So if you want it to derive from GridBuild and mix-in
> Ajax.Application.Base:
> var GymnastFind = Class.create(GridBuild,
> Ajax.Application.Base.prototype);
> (Note that for the base class, we specify the class [the constructor
> function] rather than the prototype, but mix-ins are specified just as
> an object, so we use the prototype of Ajax.Application.Base.)
> If you want to specify your own methods as well, just include them as
> an object as a third parameter.
> [1]http://api.prototypejs.org/language/class.html
> HTH,
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> Independent Software Consultant
> tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
> On Nov 7, 6:21 pm, kstubs <kst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The following is working, but I am looking for the pure prototypejs
> > equivelant.  So, what would the equivilant code be for
> > var GymnastFind = Class.create();
> > Object.extend(Object.extend(GymnastFind.prototype,
> > GridBuild.prototype));
> > Object.extend(Object.extend(GymnastFind.prototype,
> > Ajax.Application.Base.prototype), {
> >     HEAD: ['MSOID', 'USAG', 'Description', 'DOB'],
> >     initialize: function(container, url) {
> >         this.UserActive = false;
> >         this.timer = null;
> > ...... code cut here ......
> > });
> > In plain English:
> > Create a GymnastFind Class which inherits from GridBuild class and
> > implements the abstract class Ajax.Application.Base.
> > Thanks,
> > Karl..
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