Hello All,

I'm a fairly knowledgable PHP programmer. I have however been given
the task to update a page that contains dynamic content without
refreshing the page.

Ok so I have Prototype installed on the site since we use a lightbox
to show images. I have used AJAX thru Prototype before and I can do
the Ajax.updater no problem, however it always loads a progress
indicator and removes the content of the div when the call is made,
then re-populates it when the information returns.

In this case I cannot do that since I need to update images on the
page. How would I go about changing a div once the result is received?
Is this a job for the "onComplete"?

Also I need to run about 4 or 5 of these updaters in a loop to refresh
the data every 10 seconds or so.

Would you guys add a onload event? Then in the function that you call
from onload make the ajax calls as needed then put a timeout(xyz) at
the end of the script to make it wait for the update?

Thanks in advance!


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