On Nov 16, 11:27 pm, phegaro <pheg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I have an app that is going to put out a list of items onto a page
> and each one has a number of click targets. Now i could setup the
> event handler in one of two ways.
> 1. add it into the template that is rendered with the following code
> <div onclick="doIt()" id="item_1" class="item">Item Name 1</div>
> or i could do the following
> 2. Add it using a selector and a script
> $$(".item").each(function(element){element.observe('click', doIt);});
> Are there any issues with option 1 or 2 and which is more performant
> and cross browser compatible. I think 1 is more performant but not
> sure it works in all browsers.

Generally, the recommendation is not to use the old 'onClick=' method
of event handling: I don't know how it compares for performance, but
it's certainly less flexible.

You can simplify your 2) slightly:

$$(".item").invoke('observe', 'click', doIt);

A third alternative is to use delegation:

$(document).observe('click', doIt);

and then make doIt determine what was clicked:
function doIt(e) {
  var item = e.findElement('.item');

This is particularly good if you are going to be adding items
dynamically when the page has already been loaded.

Colin Fine

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