Hi T.J.,
  I tried out creating a unit test case for this and doing stuff on
page load and i cant seem to reproduce this on Safari on the desktop
anymore. Its odd because i think it might have to do with timing and
how long the browser takes to render the content into the DOM but i
can reproduce in a simple unit test. I'll check that this unit test
works on iPhone and give you an update.



On Nov 17, 6:37 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> >   I'm sorry but are you asking for more than what is above? I can
> > write a simple page that puts together the HTML and JS listed above.
> Yes, there are a lot of details not included in that post, which may
> be relevant. There are lots of good reasons to do a complete, stand-
> alone test case, not least that it eliminates that problem (of missing
> details). _Your_ doing it (rather than someone who isn't seeing the
> problem) ensures that you create a test case that replicates the
> behavior. Separately, when I'm seeing behavior that doesn't quite make
> sense to me, when I do a separate isolated test case, I frequently
> find that I did something _slightly_ wrong in the original. And if I
> don't find that, I have something useful I can post here. :-)
> So yes, I'd suggest doing that. FWIW, there's a starter page 
> here:http://proto-scripty.wikidot.com/self-contained-test-page
> -- T.J.
> On Nov 3, 12:41 am, phegaro <pheg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > HI T.J,
> >   I'm sorry but are you asking for more than what is above? I can
> > write a simple page that puts together the HTML and JS listed above.
> > Is that what you want?
> > Kiran
> > On Oct 30, 2:22 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Kiran,
> > > It sounds like you've already put together a minimalist test case,
> > > would you post it (e.g., to Pastie[1] or similar)?  I haven't run into
> > > a situation where a single defer wasn't sufficient, but I also haven't
> > > tested extensively on Mac OS.
> > > Cheers,
> > > --
> > > T.J. Crowder
> > > Independent Software Consultant
> > > tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
> > > On Oct 30, 7:19 am, phegaro <pheg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >   This might be a more generic browser/javascript questions than a
> > > > prototype specific quesiton but i thought it would better to ask here
> > > > because you all tend to really understand javascript and browsers in a
> > > > ton of detail. So here goes.
> > > > If i execute the following code:
> > > > HTML:
> > > > <div id="area"></div>
> > > > Javascript:
> > > > $('area').insert({bottom: "<div id="inserted"></div>"});
> > > > var count = 0;
> > > > var f = function() {
> > > >       if ($('inserted') == null) {
> > > >             console.log("not there");
> > > >             count++;
> > > >             if (count > 50) {
> > > >                   $('area'.insert({bottom: "<div id="inserted"></
> > > > div>"});
> > > >                   count = 0;
> > > >             }
> > > >             f.defer();
> > > >       } else {
> > > >         console.log("there");
> > > >      }
> > > > };
> > > > f();
> > > > Result:
> > > > Most of the time it just shows:
> > > > >> there
> > > > but some of the time it does this
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> there
> > > > I am assuming because the insert is something that is queued and the
> > > > browser then inserts the nodes into the DOM in its next event loop. I
> > > > know that webkit is a single threaded so this makes sense that
> > > > sometimes its not there and then it gets there, so really i guess i
> > > > have to wait till its there before i can do the "next thing" on that
> > > > inserted node. What about firefox and IE? Are they all single threaded
> > > > in the same way? What happens in Chrome?
> > > > Sometimes i see the following happen also which is really concerning
> > > > to me:
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> ... 50 times
> > > > >> not there
> > > > >> there
> > > > It happens every so often on webkit (mac os) and on iPhone webkit and
> > > > i can reproduce it pretty easily. I have built something simple that
> > > > will do this but all this seems a little crazy to me because when i
> > > > look at others code they dont even take this into account. They never
> > > > way for DOM elements to show up when inserting HTML text into a DOM
> > > > element.
> > > > Any answers/suggestions would be super helpful.
> > > > Kiran


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