IE's version is redefined elsewhere.



On Dec 1, 12:37 pm, Davide <> wrote:
> HI All,
> yesterday while looking in the javascript source of JS I noticed that
> in the function getStyle: function(element, style) there is this piece
> of code.
> if (!value || value == 'auto') {
>    var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
>    value = css ? css[style] : null;
> }
> In my opinion there should be some probs with IE6 that does not have
> the function getComputedStyle().
> I would rather change the above with:
> if (!value || value == 'auto') {
>    var css;
>    if (window.getComputedStyle) {
>       css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
>    } else if (element.currentStyle) {
>       css = element.currentStyle;
>    }
>    value = css ? css[style] : null;
> }
> What do you think ? Is this a resonable change ?


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