
On Jan 5, 1:02 pm, Jake <jgarfi...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I have learned the problem is not with iterationg, but if I do
> something like this:
>         var markers =  transport.responseText.evalJSON(true)
>         thisObj.adjustResultsForMovement.bind(thisObj, markers)();
> If markers is  an empty array [], then whenadjustResultsForMovement is
> called, prototype changes the markers array and adds all of the
> prototype functions.  It doesn't do this when markers has elements.
> Is there a way I can stop it from adding all of these functions?

No, but there's also no reason to. `for..in` does *not* loop through
the indexes of an array; it loops through the property names of an
object (see the JavaScript spec*) leaving out those marked as "non-
enumerable". Using `for..in` to loop through arrays is incorrect,
regardless of whether you're using Prototype. It *seems* to work in
bland environments because all of the default properties of the Array
type other than its indexes are marked non-enumerable, but it breaks
as soon as you do something like this (which is perfectly valid when
using a dynamic language like JavaScript):

    var a = [];
    a.baggage = "Something info I want to carry with the array,
alongside its elements";

...because `baggage` then shows up in the loop. Your best bet is is to
use a normal everyday `for` loop. More here:

* Right now linking to the latest JavaScript spec is a real pain; grab
the latest tc39-xxxx-xxx.pdf file from here:

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com
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