I've narrowed this down to a Javascript/Prototype problem. When I call the
request_template function I provide it the current value of the drop down
select box through $('Template').value, which is from a <select
name="Template" id="Template" style="width:150px;">...</select> form field.


request_template($('Template').value, $('template_preview_box'));


if I alert($('Template').value) right before I call request_template(...) in
IE I get undefined, in Firefox I get the proper result. 


I'm really not sure why this is happening?


Ralph Brickley




435 NE Evans St Ste 115  -  P.O. Box 510  McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 857-7898 Cell  |  (503) 472-7914 Office  |  (800) 986-0276 Fax

 <http://www.topsoftweb.com/> www.topsoftdesignstudio.com


From: Ralph Brickley [mailto:i...@topsoftweb.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 6:31 PM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Help! IE Problem


Hello All! I'm having an extraordinarily hard time with IE again... 


My situation is I have a preview window that opens up, changes a <textarea>
with tinyMCE and then makes an ajax request to catch some HTML and load it
into the <textarea>. I'm testing it sending back a single byte, 1.


The deal? Firefox shows the 1. IE? Blank or undefined. This is outrageous!
Heres my code that is called from another function that handles opening the
preview window: (the alert is for testing)


//            template = ID of template in database, element = ID of element
to fill <textarea>

function request_template(template, element)


                //            Request the update to the server (
newsletter.php )

                new Ajax.Request('newsletter.php', 


                                method: 'post',

                                onSuccess: function(e) 


//Implant the response text into our textarea

//            Replace strips extra whitespace

alert(e.responseText.replace(/\s/gi, ''));

element.innerHTML = e.responseText.replace(/\s/gi, '');


                                onFailure: function(e) 


alert('Unable to submit request. Please try again.'); 




page: 'templates',

action: 'request',

type: 'template',

Template: template                                                        





Both the alert and element.innerHTML show 1 in Firefox, and blank or
undefined in IE. My server code is simply:


echo "1";





Ralph Brickley




435 NE Evans St Ste 115  -  P.O. Box 510  McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 857-7898 Cell  |  (503) 472-7914 Office  |  (800) 986-0276 Fax

 <http://www.topsoftweb.com/> www.topsoftdesignstudio.com


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