I'm new to Prototype and script.aculo.us and I have this code in my
view that makes a link move left onmouseover and back right
onmouseout. I have had the same problem as others where it executes
the onmouseout event even if onmouseover hasn't finished so I wanted
to put this in my application.js file and I needed to know how to
write it there and call it in the view. This is written in HAML for a
Rails2.3.5 app.

= link_to "BLOG", {:action => "index"}, :id => "sideLink1", :class =>
"sideLink", :onmouseover => "new Effect.Move(this, {x: -10, y: 0,
duration: 0.2}); return false;", :onmouseout => "new Effect.Move(this,
{x: 10, y: 0, duration: 0.2}); return false;"

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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