
> The HTML form declaration is properly formed.

Still, it would be good to show it. For instance, I suspect it has a
`name` attribute but no `id` attribute, e.g.:

    <form name="f1" ... >

where it needs

    <form id="f1" ... >

because `$` looks things up by ID, not name. (Well, except on IE, but
that's an IE bug, and you're using Firefox.)

Apologies if that's not it, but I'm not seeing any other problem with
the quoted code and this is a mistake a lot of people make.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On May 31, 10:28 pm, Charley Walter <searchingbin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Given the following
> <script type='text/javascript'>
> function save_form_vars() {
>         new Ajax.Request( 'http://www.longdrivesoftware.com/'+ 'form_sources/
> post_customer_info_form_vars', {
>           method: 'post',
>           parameters: $( 'f1' ).serialize( true ),
>           onSuccess: process,
>           onFailure: function() {
>                   alert( "There was an error with the connection" );
>           }
>         });
> }
> function process( transport ) {
>         window.location.replace( 'http://www.longdrivesoftware.com/basket');
> }
> </script>
> I am getting a javascript error "$("f1") is null".  Running on FIrefox
> with the latest Prototype release (not the release candidate).
> The HTML form declaration is properly formed.
> Any help would be appreciated.

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