Hi, I've a weird problem, I'm using Rails 3 with prototype 1.6.1 and I
want to send my form via Ajax, when I set the ":remote => true" option
in the form generator all works fine(It's handled by rails.js), but If
I want to customize the request it fails with 406 error, I've checked
the header with the Live HTTP Headers extension for Firefox and I saw
that the "Accept" isn't set correctly:

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/

Here is the JS code:

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
  $('new_user').observe('submit', function(){
    new Ajax.Request('/users', {
      parameters: this.serialize(),
      asynchronous: true,
      evalScripts: true,

I don't know why Prototype doesn't set the headers fine. I saw the
source code ant it should be set this headers.


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