i'm new to using javascript and prototype and i'm trying to use the
observe method, but i keep getting a registry is undefined on line
5435... i have tried different methods to get it to work, but have not
yet figured it out...

what i'm currently doing, is when the user clicks on the login link,
an overlay is displayed on the page using scriptaculous... and i'm
trying to change the class names of the input elements dependant on
what the user is doing... pretty straight forward stuff... but for
some reason the observe is not picking up any of the id's on the

here is my js

$('adminName').observe('focus', function() { change('adminName',
1); });
$('adminName').observe('blur', function() { change('adminName',
0); });

function change (ele, state)
        if ( state == 1 )

as i said before i'm a noob to this and don't know why i get the
registry is undefined error... if anyone could help i would greately
appreciate it...

thank you

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