
I have multiple Ajax calls in my application and there is a "BUSY" div
containing a wait image while all the calls are completed. I now want
to include a cancel button which will hide the div and abort all
existing ajax calls. The following is the Ajax responder I am using:

  onCreate: function()
    Ajax.activeRequestCount = Ajax.activeRequestCount + 1;
    if(($('busy')) && Ajax.activeRequestCount>0)
        document.getElementById('busy').style.visibility = 'visible';
        document.getElementById('busy').style.display = '';
        document.getElementById('busy').style.opacity = '.50';

  onComplete: function()

    Ajax.activeRequestCount = Ajax.activeRequestCount - 1;
    if (Ajax.activeRequestCount <= 0)
        document.getElementById('busy').style.display = 'none';
        $('busy').style.zIndex = '5000';


Since the control comes to the oncreate function for every ajax call,
could you please tell me if there is a way I can access the list of
current ajax requests and cancel them all in one go rather than call
the abort function for each individual Ajax request?

Thank You

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