
I meant where in _your_ code (but that's still useful info), e.g.,
this call to setStyle:

    this.editorFrame.setStyle( 'border: 1px inset;' );

(BTW, the semicolon inside the quotes there is an error, although most
browsers will ignore it.)

...or this one:

    this.editorFrame.setStyle( {
        width:          "100%",
        height:         editorTextareaDims.height + 'px',
        className:      this.editorTextarea.className

...and though actually, as they're both on editorFrame, I'm not sure
how much it matters.

Fundamentally, using Prototype's setStyle on an iframe seems to work,
whether freshly-created or not:

So it may be worthwhile trying to figure out what's different in your
code vs. that working example.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On Jul 20, 4:20 pm, Gindi Bar Yahav <g.b.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, the bug in here
> setStyle: function(element, styles) {
> 2206 element = $(element);
> 2207 var elementStyle = element.style, match;
> 2208 if (Object.isString(styles)) {
> 2209 element.style.cssText += ';' + styles;
> 2210 return styles.include('opacity') ?
> 2211 element.setOpacity(styles.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) :
> element;
> 2212 }
> 2213 for (var property in styles)
> 2214 if (property == 'opacity') element.setOpacity(styles[property]);
> 2215 else
> 2216 elementStyle[(property == 'float' || property == 'cssFloat') ?
> 2217 (Object.isUndefined(elementStyle.styleFloat) ? 'cssFloat' :
> 'styleFloat') :
> 2218 property] = styles[property];
> 2219
> 2220 return element;
> 2221 },
> element is null
> [Break on this error] var elementStyle = element.style, match;
> (copied from firebug)
> thanks :)
> occured when uncommenting the prototype.js attach linke.
> On 20 יולי, 15:23, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I don't think it's possible to help with this without a lot more
> > information. What's `editorDocument`, for instance? You said that the
> > failure occurs in `setStyle`; so you're going to need to show us your
> > call to `setStyle` at the very least (or your call to whatever else in
> > Prototype called `setStyle`). I don't think the code you've shown
> > calls Prototype at all, although without knowing what `editorDocument`
> > is...
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > Independent Software Consultant
> > tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
> > On Jul 20, 1:34 am, Gindi Bar Yahav <g.b.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hey.
> > > I have a question that I'll be glad if you can help me.
> > > I'm building a WYSIWYG editor based on prototype and I want to extend
> > > prototype to the frame itself.
> > > I've written this code
> > > var htmlContent                         =       "";
> > >                                 htmlContent                               
> > >       =       '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
> > > Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd";>' + "\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "<html>\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "  <head>\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       '       <script type="text/javascript" 
> > > language="javascript"
> > > src="http://localhost/PearCMS2/Public/JavaScripts/ThirdParty/
> > > prototype.js"></script>' + "\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       ieCompatible
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "  </head>\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "  <body>\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       content
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "  </body>\n"
> > >                                                                           
> > >               +       "</html>";
> > >                                 //      Write it
> > >                                 this.editorDocument.open('text/html', 
> > > 'replace');
> > >                                 this.editorDocument.write(htmlContent);
> > >                                 this.editorDocument.close();
> > > but for some reason, when I'm attaching the prototype.js file it gives
> > > me an error with FF - element can not be null, in the setStyle
> > > function.
> > > in both IE7,8 and safari it works.
> > > Hope you can help me.
> > > thanks! Yahav.-הסתר טקסט מצוטט-
> > -הראה טקסט מצוטט-

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