I've been working on a javascript slider. It has 5 images side-by-side
horizontally, and a timer that advances to the next image every 3
seconds with setTimeout. All that's working fine.

Z-indexed above the images is a div with text that changes every time
the slider slides. They want this div to fade out right before the
image slides, change the text, and fade in right after that. I tried
putting this in right before the slider function is called:

Effect.Fade('olstext', { duration: .35, queue: 'front' })
Effect.Appear('olstext', { duration: .5, queue:'end' })

and it only partially works. The text div will fade out, but then the
text immediately fades in. I tried changing the numbers to different
values and changing the queue position and added queue scope, but
nothing would work. It's as if it was ignoring the queue. The text
would fade in and the opacity would immediately go back to 0 every

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


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