
What you're looking for would need to be a feature of the
"lightwindow" library you're using; it's not a Prototype thing.
Basically, how "lightwindows" or lightboxes in general work is to
absolutely position elements above the main content of your page
(optionally dimming your page through a partially-transparent filter).
Then they remove themselves when the user does something (like click
an X box or some such). That's the bit you need to hook into, the bit
where they remove themselves. How you do that will depend entirely on
the library you're using, and I guarantee you they provide a means of
hooking into it -- that's absolutely basic functionality.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
mail: tj / crowder software / com
web: www / crowder software / com

On Sep 15, 8:05 pm, BrentNicholas <brentnicho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This has to have been solved before or I'm just not thinking about
> this right.
> To start, I'm using version 1.6.1.
> In short I'm looking to fire off a function after another has
> completed. (onComplete equvilent)
> I'll show what I've got so far to better illustraight what I'm trying
> to do.
> 1)
> I register the click event on the image to open the lightwindow box
> by:
> Event.observe('idHelpDeskRequestIMG','click', showHelpDeskCreatForm,
> false);
> 2)
> The function fires and runs the lightwindow script, works fine
> function showHelpDeskCreatForm(){
>         myLightWindow.activateWindow({
>                 href: 'home/dsp_AddHelpDeskInstance.cfm? + cfSession',
>                 title: 'Create a Help Desk Ticket',
>                 author: 'IT',
>                 caption: 'The quickest way to create a Help Desk Ticket'
>         });
>                 // this run before the above script is done, to be
> expected.
>         attachHelpDeskListeners();
> }
> What I don't know how to do is only fire "attachHelpDeskListeners();"
> AFTER the "myLightWindow.activateWindow" is done loading/running.
> I looked at Ajax.Response, but I'm not sure if it's the right tool or
> how to use it.
> Thoughts? Best practices?
> Thanks for your time,
> Brent

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