Well, if you wanted to have a single IPE instance attached to all fields in the table, you could probably do that too. The highlight would be a simple JS/CSS trick like maybe this:

        var elm;
        if(elm = evt.findElement('td')){

There's probably a ton of optimization to be done in there, but you get the idea.

Then, you'd need to extend the IPE, and I haven't done that in the new version yet (haven't needed to) so you'll need to hunt elsewhere for that. All I know is that when Cristophe rewrote it, it was with the stated objective of making it easier to extend. YMMV.

What you'll pass to your updated IPE is either the column,row of the click or an explicit ID if that's how you've constructed this, so you can get the correct data to be edited. Then you would maneuver the editor over the top of the affected cell with clonePosition() or something like that. The Ajax stuff would be unchanged, just need to be sure that you pass back which ID to update and you're done.


On Oct 28, 2010, at 1:42 PM, BrentNicholas wrote:


Thanks for the idea, I'm looking it over now. I'd still like to know
what the answer is to the above so I can learn from it in general or
if the TableKit doesn't work for me, if you or anyone else knows.


On Oct 27, 8:08 pm, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
Have you looked at TableKit for this? It's remarkably easy to add to a
table, static or dynamic, all you do is ad the classname editable to
your table head above the column you want to edit.


On Oct 27, 2010, at 6:34 PM, BrentNicholas wrote:

Hi all,

I've been wrestling with this for a little bit now and figure it's
time to ask for help. I can't seem to find anything on the web.

I have a dynamicly generated table, I want to have an InPlaceEditor
instance on each table cell. From what I can tell you need to do a
'new' object on it for every cell so that the hover over highlight
shows, letting you know that the InPlaceEditor is connected to the
table cell.

Table Struct:
(The <p> tag was what I saw in examples and am using it since that's
what works now)
<table id="idProgramsTBL">
<tr class="mainRow">
   <td id="tdPrgCd"><p id="idPrgCdP#ProgramUID#"

I've tried the following, to no avail:

// this works but has the problem described below
"click", function(event){ codeEditInPlace(this.id); });

// this works but is incorrect as it will create a new instance of the
InPlaceEditor on each 'click'
// thus you can get 1 to n editors in the cell for every click
// Also, this connects the editor after the click, so you end up
clicking twice
function codeEditInPlace(id)
new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(id ,'act_setProgramCode.cfm? ProgramUID='+id,
                   onFailure: placeError,
                   onComplete: refreshProgramCode,
                   rows: 2,
                   cols: 20

The problem is that the above is based on creating and attaching the
InPlaceEditor when the user clicks, vs after the Ajax.Request
completes. I am calling the ".invoke.observe" statement above in a
function fired by the "onComplete" call back of Ajax.Request

So how do I find all the items of this class (class name of table cell
or P tag) and create a new InPlaceEditor on it.

I've got the following to get the classes of the P tags in the table

I found this but I don't think it's of help:
var codeCellArray =  $A(['clsPrgCd']);

codeCellArray.each(function(aCell) {


Thanks for your time,

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