
I'm creating a visual tree structure in which every item can have
multiple childs. In the following code the parent item adds one child
to itself. But for some reason the child adds itself as a child of its
own in an infinite loop:

----- CODE ------
var Item = Class.create({

            column: null,
            text: null,
            childs: [],
            parent: null,

            initialize: function(column, text, parent)
                this.column = column;
                this.text = text;
                this.parent = parent;


            addChild: function(child)
                this.childs[this.childs.length] = child;


var startI = new Item(1, 'start', null);
var vervolg1 = new Item(2, 'vervolg 1', startI);
var vervolg2 = new Item(2, 'vervolg 2', startI);


You can find an image of the result (in the console) on
Why is this an infinite reference? The code should add vervolg1 and
vervolg2 as childs of startI, but not childs of themselves.

I hope someone can help me :)

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