This is probably because when You set url for image from stylesheet
which probably You've got in some css/ directory You set it like '../
images'. But when You set in in inline styles this files are in ./
images path.

On 5 Sty, 11:23, Matt <> wrote:
> I have read the other post in this group where they were having issues
> with the setStyle background image code, but I am still having trouble
> getting this to work. It appears to be executing the setStyle
> background code but instead of changing to the specified image, it
> changes to no background image and stays that way.
> I have a mouse over listener and mouseleave listener, when the
> mouseenter is triggered, the bg changes to nothing, and when the
> mouseleave is triggered, the bg stays as nothing. I have included the
> div CSS so you can see the that i am using the correct file paths.
> A div callled 'zoom' has a mouseleave and mouseenter listener, which
> trigger the background of 'featured' to change accordingly, basically
> making it so the rollover effect of 'zoom' is extended to 'featured'.
> I have tried several different variations of the JS to make this work,
> but with no success.
> CSS of div to change bg-image of.
> #featured {
>         height: 304px;
>         width: 719px;
>         margin-bottom: 6px;
>         margin-top: 4px;
>         background-image: url(../images/site/border_main.png);
>         background-repeat: no-repeat;}
> #featured:hover {
>         background-image: url(../images/site/border_main_ro.png);
>         background-repeat: no-repeat;
>         cursor:pointer;
> }
> JS of listeneres
>         Event.observe($("zoom"), 'mouseover', function() {
>                 $("featured").setStyle({background : 'url(../images/site/
> border_main_ro.png)'});
>         });
>         Event.observe($("zoom"), 'mouseleave', function() {
>                 $("featured").setStyle({background : 'url(../images/site/
> border_main.png)'});
>         });
> do you see why this setstyle is not working? or perhaps know a better
> way of extending rollover functionality between seperate divs?
> Thanks, Matt

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