Hi Walter,

you write:
> As far as the progress meter goes, the only other issue there is that you
> usually also have to have a Perl module on your server to monitor the upload
> progress. PHP won't do it, not sure about Ruby or Python. It depends a LOT
> on your server whether you get a realistic idea how much of the file is
> actually there, and you generally need another process pinging the server
> periodically for updates. I personally just put a spinner or barber pole up
> and call it done.

I don't see why this is related to the programming language you run
one the server in order to calculate the uploaded percentage. I
programmed this in php and java (servlet) without problems. I uploaded
via an iframe and on the server side periodically wrote javascrip-
tags to that iframe. The code in those javascript tags gets executed
whenever received. They look like:
Worked for me in all normal browsers.


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