
That's strange, if you're getting the element from $(), it should
already be extended (and if not, explicitly extending it should work).

My only thought is that for some reason, the element lookup isn't
working at all and so it's not that it's not extended, but that the
element isn't there. That's the first thing I'd check -- e.g., whether
this.element is undefined rather than an un-extended DOM element. Just
as well IE8 has a built-in minimalist debugger... :-)

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On May 9, 3:51 pm, blackfrancis <gfranc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My script is throwing an error on 'this.element.hasClassName()' in IE
> (only, Chrome works fine). Debugging, I see that the method is not
> present on the element.  I gather that this is because the element is
> not automatically Extended. I put the line
> 'Element.extend(this.element)' before it in the script; but this
> didn't fix. Any hints?
> Actually, I'm confused how it could not have been extended in the
> first place, since the start of the function is:
>   init: function(idOrElement, parent) {
>     this.element = $(idOrElement);
> and the $() is meant to extend automatically... no?
> p.s.: IE8

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