Hi all,

I created a prototype object for a popup to display some data and a few buttons to allow update, inserts ,etc. I have been trying to make the events be created during the period of instantiation of the object. All of the popup is created by making new elements to build a form. Outside of the object I can get the evens code to work but not inside the object. The perintent code is in red at the end. This was the past attempt to get it to work. It has to work in IE7 sadly.

The code is listed below.

Thanks in advance.

this.grpList = new Array();
//console.log(this. grpList.toString());
    return "me";

if ( this.grpList)

 dataGetDBfunction: function (divisionName){

    new Ajax.Request(
      // runs classes\class_image_division_groups -- makeSelectOneGroup
parameters: {'what_object':'division_groups','classFunctionToRun':'makeSelectOneGroup','name_division_groups':divisionName},
      onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {

          var JSONreturn = xhrResponse.responseText.evalJSON();
          if (parseInt(JSONreturn.passcode) != 0)

          this. grpList =  JSONreturn.message;
          // build table
var a = new Element('div', {'class': 'subScreenPopup','id':'subPopup'}); var b = new Element('div', {'class': 'subTable','id':'subTableLeft'}); var b1= new Element('input',{'name': "Button1", 'type':"button" , 'class':"popupButtonClass" ,'id':"popUpButton1", 'value':"Insert"}) var b2= new Element('input',{'name': "Button2", 'type':"button" , 'class':"popupButtonClass" ,'id':"popUpButton2", 'value':"Update"}) var b3= new Element('input',{'name': "Button3", 'type':"button" , 'class':"popupButtonClass" ,'id':"popUpButton3", 'value':"Cancel"}) var b4= new Element('input',{'name': "Button4", 'type':"button" , 'class':"popupButtonClass" ,'id':"popUpButton4", 'value':"Return"})

          // table
var t1 = new Element('table',{'class':'viewTable','id':'setTable'});
          var th1 = new Element('thead',{'class':'viewTable'});
          var tr = new Element('tr',{'class':'viewTable'});
var th = new Element('th',{'class':'viewTable'}).update(divisionName);
            $(th1).insert(tr);    // tr
          $(tr).insert(th);    // td
             $(t1).insert(th1);    // thead
$('content').insert(t1); // inserts the table and header into the program

var tb1 = new Element('tbody',{'class':'viewTable','id':'viewBody'}); // tbody

          for (var i = 0; i <  this.grpList.length; i++) {
            var tr1 = new Element('tr');
               var td1 = new Element('td');
var f1 = new Element('input',{'name': "textData" + i, 'type':"text" , 'id':"textData" + i, 'value': grpList[i]});



$('content').insert(b1); // these are buttons and appear at the end of the screen.
Event.observe('popUpButton1', 'click', P.checkButton); // tried different methods
checkButton:function(e) {
  alert( "pressed");


 endEvents:function() {



Marty Amberg

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