On Jan 9, 2012, at 6:08 PM, Jason C wrote:

> I have the following piece of code being automatically created by a
> Ruby on Rails function call. It works great in Firefox and Chrome, as
> well as IE8, but does not work in IE9.
> <form
> action="/cms/quiz_questions/auto_populate"
> id="auto_pop_questions_form"
> method="post"
> onsubmit="new Ajax.Updater(
>   'quiz_questions',
>   '/cms/quiz_questions/auto_populate',
>   {
>     asynchronous:true,
>     evalScripts:true,
>     insertion:'after',
>     onComplete:function(request){
>       toggle_hidden(&quot;search_comp&quot;, false);
>       update_existing_questions();
>     },
>     parameters:Form.serialize(this)
>   }
> );
> return false;">
> If I remove the insertion parameter, then it works fine in IE9, but
> then my content gets replaced instead of added to. Why doesn't this
> work correctly in IE9? Or, alternatively, how can I do this AJAX call
> in a different way to avoid the issue?

Check to see whether you have the final release or one of the release 
candidates of Prototype linked in your pages. Fairly current versions of Rails 
still use the RC versions, and there were fixes to the IE9 stuff that do work.


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